Wednesday, 14 March 2012

DacMagic power supply tests

Last Friday a collection of four other GAs and I assembled at a secret location and listened to a number of things, including a breadboard preamp design known as a 'B4' whose parts cost at ~£50 was totally out of proportion to the transparent, clear and sophisticated sound. But our main aim was to compare three DacMagic power supplies: the Maplin PSU, my 50KVA Custom Hifi Design, and a 200KVA 'transformer in a box' which rocked in at the princely sum of £50.

Conclusive answer was the Maplin was inferior to the other two, although it was foot-tappingly good musically. The others added depth, transparency, weight, tonality... I felt like I had to recalibrate my senses to reconnect to the musical flow, hence the more congested Maplin might actually be more satisfying to some, but overall the other two strode ahead with ease.

Whoever says power supplies make no difference to the DM needs to try these inexpensive options. Technical 'it shouldn't work' answers are pointless when the evidence is that it works really well.

As for which of the two winners was best, I couldn't decide. Mine felt quieter and more composed, the 200KVA tranny may have had more weight and drive. We ran out of time to switch back and forth repeatedly and really confirm.

So, both solutions can be strongly recommended.

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